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Advertisers can research potential costs, benefits, ideas and much more for all the ad networks and placements.
Proven ideas from millions of successful ad campaigns of your competitors on Facebook
Get insight into the best-selling ad format for your campaigns
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apps creatives
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Search, sorting and saving the creatives
Search in a huge database of 1'055'068'719 creatives
Search by text, links, geo promotions, domain zone, fb page, application, platform, domain IP, language and presence of text, placement platform, type and format of media content, promotion creation date and duration
Download any of 2'419'668'326 media files. 1130 TB. creatives! Photos and videos in high resolution.
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Top Promoted Apps
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By first appearance, last appearance, update date and many more
Application analysis
Statistics on the daily number of promoted app creatives
The number of creatives per week, month and in total, ability to see all creative applications for a specified period
A quick way to get an idea of how an app is promoted
Working with creatives
Translate whatever advertising text into English in one click
Add Facebook and Instagram pages, any applications or domains to a personal "blacklist"
Download full-size image/video of any desired creative
Find more creatives from the same Facebook or Instagram page, the same application or the same domain; search for all creatives leading to the domains on any specific IP
Displaying countries targeted by creatives
View the statistics for the creative, including its launch date, the last time it was active, and the duration of its activity
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