Kaden Bond
This game is extremely busy! So many things to collect on different pages, it's tough to keep up. And I, admittedly, joined after seeing a few ads. This game is NOTHING like them! It's not a bad game, and I even applaud their creativity. But don't go into this game expecting any similarity to the ads, or even the picture on the app, for that matter...
236 people found this review helpful

Ads are VERY misleading. Game is very addicting and you'll constantly wonder if you're actually enjoying it. A LOT of the game wants your money. It's very easy to whale out, and the log curve will catch you within a few hours of grinding. Honestly, it's not a bad game, if the ads weren't so deceptive, to the point where even the promo pics and materials on the playstore are for the game that doesn't exist, I would have given it 3 or 4 stars. But it's gross the tactics that they use.
335 people found this review helpful

Ammon Peterson
Bold face lies. All of the ads for this game were the same. And nothing like the game itself. Even in the Play Store, the "screenshots" of the game look nothing like the game itself, except the very last one. This is a variation on a TD mixed with a merging game. And while the game itself wasn't terrible to play. I installed it expecting something totally different. I expected, ya know, what was ADVERTIZED.
125 people found this review helpful